You don't even want to know what's been happening at the House at Porter Street on the way from the last post to today.
Suffice to say, there's been a concussion, a household insurance claim, motor insurance claim, a drowned computer, a new computer coupled with a corrupted back up, shattered crockery, a badly bruised foot and an unwelcome mauling of our weekend papier mache fun by some rampant, bad mannered possums. (I say bad mannered because they left a calling card in the shape of faeces on the terrace table in case we didn't know it was them.)
I live in hope that writing this now draws a line beneath the horrors that have been the last few weeks.
And we can move on.
The chook shed is being demolished on Thursday (weather permitting) and the remaining garden stumps ground out as well. I'll let you know how we go.