17 July, 2011

A fork in the road.

A fella from Spotlight came to the House at Porter Street about three weeks ago to talk to us about window treatments, but we weren't really sold on him.  We would've been, we DO NEED drapes, but it was a bit off putting that he couldn't be bothered bringing fabric samples in from his car for us to look at.

So instead we went to Evans Home Furnishings in Burwood, on the recommendation of Mum's friend Linda, chose some fabrics we thought might do (including one I knew we couldn't afford, just for the torture of it) and organised for Vince to come and measure up.

The main area requiring attention is the family room: two large expanses of glass (2.55m and 2.86m) currently adorned with the vertical blinds of the previous dwellers.  

For these windows, given they are common areas and not subject to my desire for injections of character, we settled on a Wilton fabric called Mint.  It's a loose weave, a little textured, reminiscent of the 1950s.  The colour is neutralish, with a hint of green and a smidgeon of gold.  It should bring a little of the outside in while complementing the sandy coloured floor tile.  Sounds a little challenging when written, but it should be good.  It was Mum's choice anyway, so her fault if it looks muddy.

The more minor but infinitely more exciting area to be draped is my bedroom - which you may or may not remember is dressed with a peach coloured, embossed vinyl, holland blind.  

Make a statement or be minimal?  Be safe, or be fabulous?   The question at this juncture has to be, "How much the fabulous?"

Given the modest price differential, I've gone the latter and ordered this:

It's called Clarise and the colour is "Hot Tamale".  It was an obvious choice.  Bold and fun in a room of white with a green door, dressing a window overlooking the garden.  FABULOUS.

Also it should be noted that I've gone against all advice and opted for the drapes to open to the left, not in the middle.  I have a myriad of justifications, none of which were shaken by the reasoning of two people far more experienced than I. So we shall see if I live to rue the decision.  I'm sure I won't.

The drapes arrive mid-September. 

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