25 February, 2011

Day 3: In which Friday is no different to any other day.

As Mum disappeared up the stairs, her parting words were to HAVE A REST.  Needless to say, and not for the first time, I've completely ignored the directive and been busy and productive while all is still and silent in the House at Porter Street.

I'm enjoying sitting in my room, on the bed, enjoying the scene to my left, banal and empty as it is,

and ignoring the display on my right

I've just heard that the builder is going to be starting on Monday:  this is great news, not the least of which because he'll be installing my chunky floating shelves in the nook currently being occupied by the cat cages.  I'm envisaging something like this:

Peter asked me on the phone how thick I want them to be.  I said chunky.  I guess that means somewhere around 40mm.  I hope they won't look stupid.

He will also be making the pool safe, by installing the glass fence (amongst other things). 

And talking about the pool.  Here's the progress from today when the Man threw a whole bucket of chlorine and some hydrochloric acid into the pool and told us the salt chlorinator needs to be replaced.




Needless to say there won't be any swimming for a few days...

The weekend ahead is slated for organising Milo's bedroom which currently resembles beginners' Tetris:  boxes on boxes balancing precariously. Probably best to fix that, before he realises it might be fun to climb.

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