06 February, 2011

Packing Avoidance Strategy #22

Mum camping in the house has given me the BEST excuse in the world to leave the catastrophe of a bomb site that is Riverside first thing in the morning and not coming back until evening when activities need to revolve around getting Milo fed, bathed, read-to and soundly tucked in.  The net result in terms of packing means that since settlement precisely NO packing has occurred.

Tomorrow is Monday.  I'm going to need to think quickly and come up with another strategy for avoidance.  I don't think I can get away with a fourth day sitting with Mum in the empty kitchen, strategising, planning and acclimatising while Milo zips around on his bike.

We did actually venture into the backyard today too - during one of those moments of blinding, glorious sunshine - on a mission of discovery with a couple of Dad's friends, Andrew and Ang.  They know about plants and were able to put names to some of the lovely trees (as opposed to the abundant evergreens):
  • two cherry trees (which may or may not bare fruit)
  • the most enormous bay leaf tree in the whole world (which, if it doesn't stop crowding the patio/porch/verandah, is going to find itself sacrificed to the god of space and airiness)
  • two orange trees vigorously fruiting (we thought they were limes)
  • two lemon trees, also heavily laden with the most glorious smelling fruit
  • a walnut (tree - as opposed to one nut)
They also explained 
  • why two of the bins in the yard had taps (for the uninitiated, it's to transfer water from the tank to the garden)
  • why the pool was overflowing (the overflow thingy was blocked)
  • where the (at the moment, barren) veggie patches are
and any number of other bits and pieces.  It was a good fun visit and nice to be out in the garden amongst the concrete statues and agave plants.  I even noticed for the first time, the face of King Tut, in relief, staring at us from across the pool.

Tomorrow it's all going to start happening at the House at Porter Street: if it's sunny I'll photograph while the painters start...

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